
Dog Services

Providing great exercise and company for your four legged family member.

The safety of dogs is paramount and we understand that not everyone walking their animals out in the real world is knowledgeable or responsible.

Happy Hounds offers you peace of mind that your dog will be in the hands of an experienced walker who is trained in Dog Handling Techniques, who will ensure vigilance and good management when out in public with your dog at all times.

Clients concerns about where and how walks take place will be listened to.

We fully understand specific measures are put in place for good reasons, and we will work with you to ensure any good work/progress you’ve already successfully started is maintained.

Walks will be tailored to suit your dog’s age, nature and characteristics.

Given the wonderful but also changeable British weather, some walks may become wet and messy.

Happy Hounds will ensure your dog is returned home, wiped down and provided with fresh drinking water and settled down for a lazy couple of hours following his/her activity.

During warm weather we will endeavour to ensure walks are in shaded areas. In extreme heat we also have a fully air conditioned vehicle to transport them to a suitable walking environment.

We are proud to announce that we are now a licensed holiday boarding for dogs.

For more information check out our help section.

The walker carries fresh drinking water and a travel bowl at all times.